Medical advice

Here you can find expert advice from our medical team to help you manage your health. If you don’t find the information you’re looking for in our medical guides, you can discuss any worries or symptoms with a Livi GP.


AnginaAortic aneurysmAtherosclerosisAtrial fibrillationBlood clotsCardiomyopathyCardiovascular diseaseChest painCongenital heart diseaseCoronary heart disease Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)HaemophiliaHeart attackHeart blockHeart failureHigh cholesterolHypertensionLow blood pressurePericarditisPeripheral arterial diseasePhlebitisRaynaud’s diseaseStrokeTransient ischaemic attackVaricose veins

Need more medical advice?

If you have a health concern and would like to discuss your symptoms, book an appointment and speak to a GP.

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